Month: August 2022

CCELL has dominated the CBD vaping market for a while. Their EVO technology provides more vaporization, better flavors, and bigger clouds. The top devices featuring this technology are the M6T-EVO and TH2-EVO. Essentially, the TH2-EVO is a luxurious version of the M6T. 
CCELL products are known for their clean taste. However, there is a noticeable improvement in the EVO series. You will find that it does not produce burnt or dirt hits. Additionally, it does not clog. You can come back to use it after several days as if you had not …

The growth in the popularity of vaping has attracted government taxation on this industry. Today, taxation on vaping products is being proposed in the US and elsewhere across the world. 
Why do governments tax vaping products?
Besides the usual reason for collecting more revenue, taxation on tobacco-related products is done to try to change the behavior of smokers and offset the medical and environmental costs associated with their use. 
How vaping taxes work
Vaping products are taxed…